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Android was developed by the Open Handset Alliance, led by Google, and other companies. Android is an open source and Linux-based operating system for mobile devices such as smart phones and tablet computers. One of the most widely used mobile OS these days is ANDROID.
- Software, System and Web Developers
- Graduates and Android app enthusiasts
Module 1: Introduction to Android Development
What is Android?
- Overview of the Android ecosystem and its significance.
- History and evolution of Android OS.
- Introduction to Android Studio and development environment setup.
Android Architecture
- Overview of the Android platform architecture.
- Components: Activities, Services, Broadcast Receivers, Content Providers.
- Android application structure and manifest file.
Setting Up Android Studio
- Installing Android Studio and SDK.
- Overview of Android Studio interface.
- Creating your first “Hello World” app.
Module 2: Kotlin Basics (or Java)
- Introduction to Kotlin (or Java)
- Why Kotlin is preferred for Android development.
- Kotlin syntax and features (Variables, Data Types, Functions).
- Introduction to Java for Android development (if using Java).
- Control Flow and Functions
- Conditional Statements (if, when).
- Loops (for, while).
- Functions and Lambdas in Kotlin.
- Object-Oriented Programming (OOP)
- Classes, Objects, Inheritance, Interfaces.
- Data classes in Kotlin.
- Working with collections and higher-order functions.
Module 3: User Interface (UI) Design
Views and Layouts
- Understanding Views: TextView, Button, EditText, ImageView, etc.
- Layout types: LinearLayout, RelativeLayout, ConstraintLayout, etc.
- Creating custom views.
Building User Interfaces
- Designing UI using XML layout files.
- Using the Android UI toolkit: Buttons, Images, Text Fields, and more.
- Understanding UI design best practices (responsive design, Material Design).
Event Handling
- Handling user input and events.
- OnClickListener and other event handlers.
- Managing touch events and gestures.
Material Design Principles
- Introduction to Material Design in Android.
- Implementing Material Components like Cards, Bottom Sheets, and Floating Action Buttons (FAB).
Module 4: Activities and Intents
Introduction to Activities
- What is an Activity?
- Life cycle of an Activity.
- Creating multiple activities and navigating between them.
- Types of Intents: Implicit and Explicit.
- Passing data between activities using Intents.
- Using PendingIntent and BroadcastReceivers.
- What are Fragments?
- Fragment lifecycle and managing Fragment transactions.
- Communication between Fragments and Activities.
Module 5: Data Storage and Persistence
Shared Preferences
- Storing simple data using SharedPreferences.
- Reading and writing data to SharedPreferences.
SQLite Database
- Introduction to SQLite in Android.
- Creating and managing databases with SQLiteOpenHelper.
- Performing CRUD operations (Create, Read, Update, Delete).
Room Database
- What is Room? Overview and benefits.
- Defining Entities, DAO (Data Access Object), and Database.
- Using Room for persistent data storage.
File Storage
- Working with internal and external storage.
- Saving and retrieving files from internal storage.
- External storage and managing files (media, documents).
Module 6: Networking
HTTP Requests in Android
- Introduction to networking in Android.
- Making HTTP requests using HttpURLConnection.
- Working with REST APIs and consuming JSON responses.
- Introduction to Retrofit for API calls.
- Creating Retrofit services and handling responses.
- Parsing JSON data into Kotlin/Java objects using Gson.
Volley Library
- Working with Volley for fast network requests.
- Sending data with POST requests and handling response.
Module 7: Background Tasks and Services
Services in Android
- What is a Service and its types (Foreground, Background, Bound)?
- Starting and stopping services.
- Working with background tasks using AsyncTask and Handler.
- Introduction to WorkManager for background tasks.
- Using WorkManager for periodic and one-time tasks.
- Handling task chaining and scheduling.
Push Notifications
- Introduction to Firebase Cloud Messaging (FCM).
- Setting up FCM for push notifications.
- Sending and receiving push notifications.
Module 8: Android UI Advanced Concepts
- Understanding RecyclerView and ViewHolder pattern.
- Customizing RecyclerView with Adapters and LayoutManagers.
- Implementing different item types, animations, and pagination.
Custom Views
- Creating custom views and drawing on the canvas.
- Using custom attributes and view styles.
- Introduction to Android animations.
- Working with property animations (ObjectAnimator, ViewPropertyAnimator).
- Creating transition animations between activities and fragments.
Module 9: Android App Testing
Unit Testing
- Writing unit tests using JUnit for Android.
- Mocking dependencies using Mockito.
- Testing business logic and API calls.
UI Testing
- Introduction to Espresso for UI testing.
- Writing and running Espresso tests for activities and fragments.
- Automating tests using UI Automator.
Debugging and Profiling
- Debugging Android apps using Android Studio Debugger.
- Using Logcat for logging and error detection.
- Profiling and improving app performance (memory, CPU).
Module 10: Android App Security
App Permissions
- Managing permissions in Android (Runtime Permissions).
- Understanding the Android permission model.
- Best practices for securing sensitive data.
Securing Data and Communication
- Using SSL/TLS for secure communication.
- Encrypting sensitive data using Android Keystore.
- Protecting user data in local storage and databases.
App Signing and Proguard
- Signing an APK for release.
- Using ProGuard for code obfuscation.
Module 11: Deployment and App Store Publishing
Preparing for Release
- Preparing APK and signing the app.
- Versioning and app release management.
- Testing before release.
Publishing to Google Play Store
- Creating a Google Play Developer Account.
- Uploading the app to the Play Store.
- Managing app updates and user feedback.
Module 12: Android App Architecture
Introduction to Android Architecture Patterns
- Overview of architecture patterns: MVC, MVP, MVVM.
- Understanding Android’s architecture components.
Model-View-ViewModel (MVVM)
- Introduction to MVVM for Android development.
- Using LiveData, ViewModel, and Data Binding for MVVM architecture.
- Managing UI-related data lifecycle with LiveData and ViewModel.
Dependency Injection
- Introduction to Dependency Injection (DI) in Android.
- Using Dagger2 and Hilt for DI in Android apps.
Module 13: Advanced Topics
Jetpack Components
- Overview of Jetpack libraries (Navigation, Lifecycle, Paging).
- Implementing Navigation Component for managing app navigation.
- Using Paging for efficient data loading.
Android App Performance Optimization
- Optimizing UI rendering with ConstraintLayout.
- Memory and CPU optimization.
- Reducing APK size and improving app startup time.
AR and VR in Android
- Introduction to ARCore and VR development.
- Building AR applications using Android.
30 Days (also available fast track course with short term duration)
- Flexible Schedules
- Live Online Training
- Training by highly experienced and certified professionals
- No slideshow (PPT) training, fully Hand-on training
- Interactive session with interview QA’s
- Real-time projects scenarios & Certification Help
- 24 X 7 Support